The first in the province! ! "Made in Luzhou" yacht exported to Africa successfully trialled

Recently, the Commander 27 yacht independently developed and designed by our company successfully conducted a trial voyage in Yulong Lake, Lu County, Luzhou. The shipowner's representative from a marine scientific research institution in Uganda, Africa, expressed high satisfaction with the yacht···

After six months of meticulous craftsmanship! "They" made a stunning appearance...

After 6 months, with the perseverance and hard work of employees from all departments of the company, BW1260 business vessel was successfully accepted and delivered to the owner recently.The ship has smooth lines and a novel and unique appearance, showing excellent ship design. The construction of t···


2023年6月5日,第二艘中江平安渡运船成功交付德阳市中江县石坝坪吊桥钓鱼景区。目前已有两艘渡运船正式投入运行。中江平安渡运船,长15.50m、型宽4.28m、型深1.30m;航速约11km/h,续航力可达4小时;最高载客量20人。中江平安渡运船严格按照《关于新增旅游客船相关技术要求的通知》规定的内河 C 级航区客船要求进行制造,主···

Sold immediately upon display, this product is incredible

The company's exhibit, the "Noark 25" speedboat, attracted domestic and foreign visitors as soon as it was put on display. They came to the booth one after another to watch. The staff also actively introduced the products to the visitors and carefully answered each of the visitors'···